Transportation and mobility
Identifying needs and creating sustainable offers
The changing requirements of society to mobility and transportation call for new concepts for cities and municipalities – as well as companies. Technological progress facilitates the transitions to a more environment-and climate-friendly future – without limiting the mobility necessary for each person.
Establish sustainable mobility and transportation concepts in your environment. We develop with you strategic programmes at municipal or corporate level, draft measures individually tailored to your needs and support you in their implementation.
How you benefit
- You enable greater mobility with less traffic. At the same time, you reduce costs as well as the negative environmental impact.
- You prepare yourself and your company or municipality for modern possibilities for mobility (e.g. electric mobility).
- You offer alternatives to everyday traffic and increase the awareness for environmentally friendly and innovative mobility.
- You contribute actively to climate protection and sustainable development.
What we offer
- We analyse your status quo and develop together with you scenarios and aims.
- We design action programmes for sustainable and user-friendly mobility companies and municipalities
- We accompany you in the implementation of measures for sustainable and climate-friendly mobility that takes the needs of all user groups into account
Through better coordination of mobility offers as well as good information and advice, people can be motivated to adapt to a more sustainable mobility behaviour. On behalf of the European Commission, German federal and state governments as well as municipalities, we have worked the topic of mobility from different perspectives. We provide extensive practical experience from implementing municipal and regional mobility concepts. Since the end of 2013, we additionally offer an innovative project approach, which focuses on a strong connection between municipal climate protection strategies and corporate mobility management. This approach, called Mobil.Pro.Fit®, has been financially supported in eleven pilot regions by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety in the framework of the national climate protection initiative. In 2014, this approach was awarded the title “path-breaking for climate protection” in the framework of the KlimaExpo.NRW in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Contact us:
Berlin | Hamburg |
Hamm | Munich |
Stuttgart |