Hannah Witting
Managing Partner
With B.A.U.M. since 2014
Education and experience
- Diploma in Geography
- Academic studies in Geography, Economics and Public Law at the University of Bonn
- Skilled commissioner for quality, environmental and energy management and internal auditor
- Trainer for the German Association for Quality (DGQ)
- MobilProFit consultant
- German Sustainability Code and GRI
Tasks at B.A.U.M.
- Head of Division Sustainable Economies
- Sustainability management and strategy
- Sustainability reporting
- Carbon footprinting (Corporate and Product Carbon Footprints)
- Integrated management systems (ISO 9001, 14001, 50001)

B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH
Gotzinger Str. 48/50
81371 Munich
+49 89 18935-217
+49 89 18935-199
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