Christopher Prange
Head of Division Resilient regional development
With B.A.U.M. since 2020
Education and experience
- Economic Geography B.A. with a focus on Regional Innovation Systems, Leibniz University Hanover and University of Granada
- Traineeship in the ongoing evaluation of the pilot program ‘Land(auf)Schwung’ from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
- Employment in the committee of enquiry ‘future of the rural regions in the context of demographic change’ from parliament of the federal state Brandenburg
- Freelancing for neuland21 – a think & do tank to reinvent rural life for the 21st century
- Since 2020 environmental and sustainability consultant at B.A.U.M. Consult
Tasks at B.A.U.M.
- Conception, consulting and coaching for sustainable regional development for cities, municipalities and regions
- Development of urban- and regional development concepts, regional management and regional marketing in the topics: future of work, startups, food marketing, energy transition and mobility
- Integrated energy and climate protection concepts for municipalities and regions
- Participation processes
- Event and project management

B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH
Gotzinger Str. 48/50
81371 Munich
+49 30 53 60 18 84-27
+49 30 53 60 18 84-99
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