Transnational Cooperation in Spatial Development
Dissemination of results for INTERREG B
On behalf of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), B.A.U.M. Consult further developed public relations work for the Federal Programme “Transnational Cooperation” within the framework of Programmes for European Territorial Cooperation (INTERREG B).

INTERREG B supports transnational cooperation between national, regional and local authorities in transnational cooperation areas. The aim is to strengthen a harmonised spatial development of the entire area of the EU and to facilitate a better integration of new Member States. In the past, several transnational projects already developed innovative solutions to spatial development. All these results and successes should be accessible for follow-up projects helping them to attract new users and applicants. For that reason, B.A.U.M. developed and implemented target group-specific and modern communication approaches together with its project partner LoeschHundLiepold Kommunikation.
- Concept and organisation of networking events in Poland
- Development and establishment of a network of ambassadors
- Creation of INTERREG B journals and target group-specific newsletters
- Concept and editorial planning and support of a blog and of social media approaches as well as editorial support of contractors during the introductory phase
- Selection and presentation of projects with specific of special national interest
- Accompanying press and public relations work