OptNetzE - Optimize communication between electricity network operators
Optimization of the integrated operation of transmission and distribution networks - Coordination between network levels for the network-related use of flexibilities
In the project OptNetzE, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy within the framework of the funding initiative "Zukunftsfähige Stromnetze", B.A.U.M. conducted research on coordination processes between the network level operators, which are required for the procurement of flexibilities and their network and system-related use.

The OptNetzE funding project (Optimization of Integrated Operation of Transmission and Distribution Networks) focused on the further development of communication across network levels for the provision of network or system-related flexibility. In cooperation with the project partners Technical University Berlin, BTB Blockheizkraftwerks-, Träger- und Betreibergesellschaft mbH Berlin, Brandenburg Technical University (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg, Bosch Software Innovations GmbH and Stromnetz Berlin GmbH among others the roles of the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) were examined. In addition, new complex solutions for the design of various information and service platforms were researched and developed. At this point, communication requirements, especially at the interface to other roles, e.g. aggregators, were investigated. Furthermore, compensation options for flexibilities of Power-to-Heat (PtH) and Power-to-Gas (PtG) plants in the intelligent power market were characterized. OptNetzE was funded within the framework of the funding initiative "Zukunftsfähige Stromnetze" (eng.: sustaibale power grids).
- Development of suitable mapping in system architecture models
- Classification of use cases in the smart market traffic light concept of the Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry (BDEW)
- Determination of data requirements for information and service platforms
- Identification of the possibilities of market-based localized procurement of third party flexibilities to eliminate network bottlenecks
- Evaluation of flexibility options, business models and delivery instruments for system services
- Evaluation of existing and future cross-network communication processes and interactions between network and market
- Portfolio analysis of power-to-heat and power-to-gas utilization options
More about the project
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Michael Wedler
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PolyEnergyNet: Resilient poly-networks for security of supply for the grids in Saarlouis
In the research project PolyEnergyNet B.A.U.M. and nine other scientific and industrial partners develop a model for decentralised control intelligence of energy networks. The project receives funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the framework of the research initiative “Future-proof Power Grids”. read more

FINESCE - Future INtErnet Smart Utility ServiCEs
As one of the consortium partners of the EU research project Future INtErnet Smart Utility ServiCEs (FINESCE), B.A.U.M. was in charge of public relations work, knowledge transfer and establishment of networks between the energy and IT sector driving forward internet based solutions for a more efficient energy supply. read more

ERA-Net - Harmonization of national Smart Grid strategies in Europe
On behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT), B.A.U.M. designed and accompanied the technical exchange of national Smart Grid technology platforms and industry representatives in Europe for the design of the ERA-Net Plus Smart Grid activities in the EU research framework program Horizon 2020. read more

ELSA – Energy Local Storage Advanced system
In cooperation with ten other industrial and research partners from five European countries, B.A.U.M. Consult developed and tested within the EU project ELSA local energy storage systems based on second-life electric vehicle batteries. read more

S3C – Empowering people for the smart energy system of the future
People make the difference in the transition to our future energy system. Together with an international consortium of six partners, B.A.U.M. developed a practical toolkit for the successful, long-term engagement of end users in smart grid projects. read more