Development of the regional brand „SooNahe“
Concept and moderation of the development process
B.A.U.M. supported and moderated the development process of the regional brand “Soonahe” and prepared a marketing concept in close cooperation with actors in the area of regional development, agriculture, viniculture, gastronomy, tourism, trade, energy and politics.

The overall aim of the cooperation was to strengthen the rural area, sustain small and medium-sized businesses and promote identification with the region. Furthermore, B.A.U.M. in cooperation with the region’s stakeholder prepared the establishment of a regional marketing organisation.
- Analysis of the status quo
- Realisation of interviews, debates, written consultations, mystery checks, desk research
- Preparation of a marketing concept with guidelines for communication, product, price and distribution politics
- Moderation of workshops
- Elaboration of an overall model for restructuring
- Acquisition of new partners
- Documentation of all events and conversations
- Preparation of the overall concept in form of a decision paper
- Presentation of the results in decision making bodies
- Creation of a control system
- Elaboration of and agreement about the regulations of the new marketing organisation
- Development of potential funding models and first negotiations with potential funding bodies for the development of the regional brand
- Fitness programme for the actors
Your contact at B.A.U.M.
Ludwig Karg
Libero and partner
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