B.A.U.M. coordinates the support project for the European initiative ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus
Establishment of a Knowledge Community for knowledge transfer and networking
On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, B.A.U.M. coordinates the support project of the initiative ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus. The support project is in charge of supporting and evaluating the projects as well as of building up a Smart Grid Knowledge Community.

The programme monitoring - the so called support team - focuses on the establishment of the ERA-Net SG+ Knowledge Community. This Knowledge Community is intended to foster collaboration between all stakeholders of the ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus initiative, its projects and beyond. The support team consists of RSE (Italy), Cleen (Finland) and its coordinator B.A.U.M.
ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus originated from an initiative of several European member states that developed a trans-national funding- and support programme together.
The main objective of ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus is to foster a sustainable cooperation structure between national and regional Smart Grids programmes in Europe. ERA-Net SG+ will foster the integration of Smart Grids system technologies, stakeholder adoption and market processes to support Europe in achieving its energy targets.
- Monitoring, analysis and assessment of activities of the ERA-Net SG+ projects
- Support of the ERA-Net SG+ projects, especially regarding collaboration and knowledge transfer between the projects
- Establishment and management of an ERA-Net SG+ Knowledge Community as a platform to enable knowledge creation and transfer between ERA-Net SG+ projects and other national and European key projects
- Coordination of programme monitoring
More about the project
Your contact at B.A.U.M.
Ludwig Karg
Libero and partner
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