B.A.U.M. successfully designs JPP SES Conference 2021
Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES) Annual Digital Conference
23rd to 25th November, online: For the second time, the annual conference of the transnational research platform "Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES)" took place. High-ranking speakers from science, industry and the European Commission exchanged project results, possible goals, and solutions within the framework of the platform activities.

On November 23rd, the first of a total of three interactive event days started with the Policy Conference. Moderated by our B.A.U.M. Managing Director Ludwig Karg (JPP SES Support Team), JPP SES stakeholders, supporters and partners took a look back at the last six years of programme work: What has happened in the last six years of JPP SES? What has been achieved? What lessons can we learn? An enriching exchange of experiences was followed by the presentation of the National Stakeholder Coordination Group and a discussion on how to best address EU-wide and global challenges.
Kick-Off of the JPP SES-led Project Chain Programme
For the following session in the afternoon of the first conference day, our colleague Julia Chenut took over the moderation. The focus of the session was the Project Chain Programme. Already part of the Extended Programme of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2021, the programme was discussed publicly for the first time. Read more here. After a very interesting introduction by Hélène Chraye (Directorate General for Research and Innovation, Head of the Clean Energy Transition Unit of the European Commission), different experts presented their work and opinions.
Setting the stage for the JPP SES-funded projects
While the first day of the JPP SES Conference 2021 had a political focus as a policy conference, the second day focused on the JPP SES-funded projects at the status conference. Again moderated by our colleague Julia Chenut, the stage belonged to the achievements and scientific findings of the JPP SES projects. Project partners presented their findings and received feedback from the present experts. In addition, our colleague Alisa Utz presented the comprehensive results of the JPP SES projects and working groups collected in the so-called spotlights. In the afternoon, the focus was on the exchange of the projects in the working groups. In 15 different groups, the latest research results were discussed deepened.
Family Conference
The final Family Project Meeting on November 25 was reserved exclusively for JPP SES projects. With the help of design thinking methods, new approaches to joint collaboration in the Joint Programming Platform were discussed in small groups. Also in small groups, the focus was on project communication. There was a joint exchange on best practice examples and success stories as well as measures to improve project communication.
As organizers of the JPP SES Conference 2021, we at B.A.U.M. can look back on three successful days. These are characterized by many new insights and ideas on how collaboration in JPP SES and its partners can continue to make a decisive contribution to the European energy transition in the future.
The documentation including video clips can be found on the JPP SES website in English.
Further information
Further results and recordings of the conference:
Agenda and event information: