Detail - B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH (

PraxTrak - Climate protection with vegetable oil fuel as by-product of animal feed production

In PraxTrak, John Deere, the Technology and Support Center (TFZ), the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, the company regineering and B.A.U.M. brought vegetable oil tractors to practical maturity. PraxTrak was funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) based on a resolution of the German "Bundestag". read more

S3C – Empowering people for the smart energy system of the future

People make the difference in the transition to our future energy system. Together with an international consortium of six partners, B.A.U.M. developed a practical toolkit for the successful, long-term engagement of end users in smart grid projects. read more

SEMS – sustainable energy management

Within the framework of the EU CONCERTO Programme, the SEMS project started a local energy transformation in four communities in Germany, Luxembourg, Austria and Poland. B.A.U.M. had a leading role in developing the project’s concept integrating experience derived from implementing citizen energy concepts. read more

SESAM - fully electrical agricultural machines in rural Smart Grids

In cooperation with John Deere and the University of Applied Sciences in Kaiserslautern B.A.U.M. was responsible for the impact assessment of the usage of a battery-powered tractor in agriculture and for the dissemination of the project’s results. The SESAM project was part of the funding programme “ICT for Electric mobility II” funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. read more